Right-of-Way Permit Driveway

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Questions about Permits or to Submit Applications:  permits@kalamazoocountyroads.com

The RCKC now accepts credit payments for the various types of Right-of-Way Applications.  American Express is not accepted. PLEASE NOTE:  ONLY THE CURRENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

  • Allow 10-14 business days for review and processing applications to construct in the right-of-way, unless otherwise noted in State statute.   
  • Lack of permit information will delay the permitting process. The timeline will restart on the day the delayed permit information is received. 

The penalties for working within the road right-of-way prior to obtaining a permit will include the cost of the permit plus any additiaonal charges including administrative and inspection expenses.  RCKC also reserves the right to remove said work within the right-of-way at the property owner's expense. 

A permit is not valid until you receive the approved permit with a signature and permit number. 

Schedule of Fees

Pay Invoices


Construction Guidelines

Please use the following checklists to assist in the driveway permitting process.  Lack of information will delay the permitting process.  

The penalties for working within the road right-of-way prior to obtaining a permit will include the cost of the permit plus any additional charges including administrative and inspection expenses.  RCKC also reserves the right to remove said work within the right-of-way at the property owner’s expense.

Insurance Requirements Policy 

All contractors working in the right of way must have insurance on file with the RCKC.

Driveway Right-of-Way Application

When is a driveway permit needed?

  • If you are installing a new driveway
  • If you are paving or installing concrete on an existing gravel driveway
  • If you are removing a layer of asphalt or concrete and repaving with asphalt
  • If you are removing a layer of asphalt or concrete and installing a new concrete driveway
  • If you are widening your driveway
  • If you are installing a low use (agricultural or utility) driveway
  • For a temporary driveway
  • If you are installing a second driveway

 When is a driveway permit not needed?

  • If you are adding a layer of gravel to an existing gravel driveway
  • If you are seal coating an existing asphalt driveway (contractor’s  performing seal coating operations in the county’s right of way are required to have insurance on file at the RCKC)
  • General maintenance not involving resurfacing of existing driveway 

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