SS4A Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SS4A?

Answer: Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) is a grant program through the United States Department of Transportation. Over the period of 2022-2026, $5 billion has been made available for local and regional agencies to study, plan, and implement proven safety measures to prevent roadway deaths and serios injuries.

RCKC applied for and was awarded $25 million in the 2024. We are honored to receive such a large grant and excited to bring funding and improved safety to the residents of Kalamazoo County. By comparison, the RCKC’s SS4A grant is the largest SS4A grant received by an agency in the State of Michigan since the program’s beginning and ranks among the top 14 largest SS4A grants in the US.

RCKC’s project, focused on proven safety treatments that could be quickly and efficiently constructed on our highest priority rural roadways where roadway departure crashes typically exist and are most severe. The RCKC’s Transportation Safety Action Plan provided an in-depth review of locations and common patterns observed in crash data occurring on RCKC roadways. This study helped inform and bring awareness to areas that RCKC could address to focus funds spent for the highest impact. Key takeaways from the study are that the single vehicle crashes are the most prevalent crash type on our roadways and 50% of crashes with a fatality or serious injury are associated with lane departure. For more information on the study and planning, please check out our Safety Action Plan and Infographic on our website.

2. What specific safety improvements will be made on project roads?

Answer: The safety improvements include installing rumble strips along the centerline and shoulders of over 130 miles of road, which will help reduce crashes caused by driver inattention. In addition, trees and other fixed objects within the right-of-way will be removed to create safer roadways, and new pavement markings will be added to improve visibility and road safety. In some cases, roads will be repaved, reconstructed, or widened to enhance road conditions, and center turn lanes will be added at several key intersections for safer turning movements.

3. How will these improvements make the roads safer?

Answer: These improvements are designed to reduce crashes and injuries. The rumble strips alert drivers when they are drifting from their lane or approaching the shoulder. Tree and fixed object removal helps prevent crashes caused when vehicles leave the roadway. The new pavement markings will provide clear guidance for drivers. The addition of center turn lanes will improve traffic flow and reduce rear-end and left-turn crashes at intersections. Re-paving and widening roads will also provide an adequate surface in which to install the rumble strips.

4. How were these roads selected for the project?

Answer: The locations and scope of the project were carefully determined based on data about crash rates, traffic safety, and community needs. The roads selected for improvement are among the highest-priority areas for safety enhancements. Locations identified as part of this project were identified when RCKC prepared its Transportation Safety Action Plan in 2023. This plan was based upon a review of countywide crash data and public feedback. 

5. Why rumble strips? Aren’t these only used on highways?

Answer: Rumble strips are typically associated with highways, however, they can and have been used on two lane roadways with across the United States. RCKC has had great success with implementing them on several corridors already. Since 2025, RCKC has installed rumble strips on some of our busy roads where roadway departure crashes are prevalent and there are high amounts of fatalities and serious injuries. Since the installation of these rumble strips, fatal and serious injuries have been reduced by 79-100% and all crashes have decreased by 47-73%.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, center line rumble strips are proven to reduce fatal and injury crashes by 38-50% on rural two-lane roads while shoulder rumble strips have been shown to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes by 26-46% on rural two-lane roads.

The effectiveness of rumble strips combined with their low cost makes them a very cost-effective solution to reducing roadway departure crashes.

6. How will these improvements affect road access during construction? Will road closures and detours be needed?

Answer: There may be temporary lane or shoulder closures and potentially some road closures and detours during construction, depending on the specific location and scope of work. However, we will make every effort to minimize disruptions and keep traffic flowing safely. You can check the project map on our website for real-time updates on project progress, closures, and detours in your area.

7. When will the work occur and how long will it take to complete?

Answer: Construction on this 5-year project will begin in phases starting in the fall of 2025, with work occurring in different areas over the coming years. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2029. Exact timelines for each road segment will vary depending on weather conditions, project complexity, and contractor schedules. Please check the project map on the website for specific details about your area.

8. Will my road be repaved or reconstructed? How will I know?

Answer: Many roads will be repaved to ensure a smooth, safe driving surface and a surface that can accept the installation of the rumble strips without causing damage to a worn pavement surface. In areas with significant wear or structural issues, some roads may be reconstructed to improve the foundation and overall quality. You can check the project map on our website to see whether your road is scheduled for repaving, reconstruction, or other improvements.

9. How will the installation of rumble strips affect cyclists?

Answer: We understand that the installation of rumble strips can be a concern for cyclists, as they may create a rough or uncomfortable riding surface, particularly along the shoulder of the road. The goal of the rumble strips is to improve safety by alerting drivers when they are drifting out of their lanes or off the road. However, we are committed to ensuring that the safety of all road users, including cyclists, is considered. Significant input was sought from the bicycle advocacy groups when RCKC established the Non-motorized Master Plan. Since these routes are designated for higher levels of bicycle traffic, shoulder rumble strips will not be implemented on these roadways. We continue to work with bicycle advocacy groups and experts to ensure that these improvements strike the right balance between motorist safety and cyclist comfort.

10. How will the noise from rumble strips affect my property?

Answer: We understand that the noise created by rumble strips can be a concern for residents who live near the road. Rumble strips are installed as a safety measure to alert drivers when they are drifting out of their lane, and while they are an effective tool for preventing crashes, they can create a distinct noise when vehicles pass over them. To address noise concerns, we are working with engineers to ensure that rumble strips are designed and placed in such a way that minimizes unnecessary noise. We are committed to balancing the need for road safety with the comfort of those living near the roadway.

11. What will happen to the trees in the right-of-way?

Answer: As part of the safety improvements, all trees and fixed objects within the right-of-way will be removed to ensure a safer driving environment. This is especially important in areas where trees are too close to the road or where the road curves and vehicles are more likely to depart from the roadway, as they can pose a hazard in the event of a driver losing control. If you have concerns about specific trees near your property, please contact us directly.

While we know this may be disappointing, these safety improvements are being made to reduce the risk of crashes and fatalities. Unfortunately, the scope of this project does not include replacing or replanting trees. We are committed to improving road safety, and we hope you understand that this decision is ultimately about preventing potentially life-threatening crashes.

12: How will the road improvements affect the environment?

Answer: The project will take environmental concerns into account, particularly during the tree removal process. We are working with local environmental experts to ensure the removal is done in a way that minimizes harm to the surrounding ecosystem. Additionally, the project includes pavement recycling in many areas, which reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

13. How can I stay informed about the project and provide feedback?

Answer: The project website is the best place to stay updated on the project’s progress, upcoming milestones, and any changes to construction schedules. Please feel free to contact us through the website if you have any specific questions or concerns.

14. I don’t agree with this project, how  can I get it cancelled?

Answer: We understand that changes can be frustrating, and we respect your perspective. This project, funded by the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) federal grant program, was designed to address important documented safety issues that affect everyone in the community. The goal of the project is to reduce traffic crashes and save lives, particularly in high-risk areas. The planned improvements, such as rumble strips, center turn lanes, tree removal, and new pavement markings, are based on extensive data that highlights the need for safety upgrades to prevent serious crashes, including fatalities.

While we understand that not everyone may agree with the project or its approach, these safety improvements were determined through careful planning, research, and consultation with transportation experts. The decisions were made to benefit the entire community in the long term, and we believe these changes will result in a safer environment for all those using the roads.

At this point, the project scope and locations are finalized, and it is not possible to cancel the project. However, we want to make sure that you have a chance to voice your concerns and understand the reasoning behind the changes. We encourage you to reach out to us directly with any specific questions or feedback. Your input is valuable and helps guide future transportation projects in the community. We hope that, despite your concerns, you will see the long-term safety benefits of these improvements once the project is completed.


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